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« First Review of KICKING IN THE WALL! | Main | So You're Published.... »


sarah corbett morgan

I'm SO glad to see the comments section is open again, Barbara. And to the poet who wrote, I'd just like to say that there is a world of camaraderie out there thanks to the Internet.

I live in a very isolated place and ended up joining a couple of venues: one is the Internet Writing Workshop, which has numerous lists depending on the writer's interest. (There is a poetry List), by the way http://internetwritingworkshop.org/ and the other is to reach out to other poets (writers) through their blogs. A few I like: Writing our way home, Marge Piercy's blog, and a few I discovered through a January Mindful Writing challenge.

I hope some of this helps fill the void I know you are feeling. But through writing we work our way through the grief. Namaste.

 Elizabeth Aquino

Oh, how wonderful that the comments section is open again! It was always so frustrating for a big-mouthed and worded person like me to leave here without saying anything so great was the inspiration --


Hearing from and connecting to other writers is certainly a great source of energy and hope after living in your own solitary world. Just having a conversation about the process of our writing is enough to let us know that we're not the only ones leading a double life!

Teresa Richardson

Connecting with another writer gives encouragement and that little push to keep writing

Laura B

So lucky to be part of a group of writers that I met through one of Barbara's workshops even though they meet in California and I live in Alabama (for the time being). They are still my writing group and always will be.

Barbara Abercrombie

Hi Sarah - Thanks so much for the info.
Elizabeth - Yes, it felt very silent without the comments!
Frank - Yes, connection does make energy!
Teresa - Yes - and ditto from above.
Laura - We miss you!

Lois D'Asaro

I'm lapping up the possibilities with the comments from all of you: Sarah (Busy ideas), Elizabeth, Frank, Teresa, Laura. I'm very new to all this and I thank you.

Lois D'Asaro

And thanks to Barbara for the introduction of all of you Commenters and Writers.

Ruth Morvay

How wonderful that Barbara makes this possible. I think Sarah's comment is inspirational and all writers should take it to heart!

Barbara Abercrombie

Lois - Thanks for the inspiration for this post.
Ruth - Thank you.

The comments to this entry are closed.


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