Here's a writing prompt I found on the beach early this morning as two young women jogged past me. The one with a blond pony tail said to her friend, "You know my brother threw him out of the house.."
"Yeah," said her friend.
"So now my dad lives in a garage."
What did the father do to get thrown out of the house? How did the brother have so much power? Describe the garage, the father. (These gems are everywhere - you just have to be nosey, listen hard and carry a notebook.)
I did an interview with Chase March last week that was great fun. Here's the link to both the podcast and the text of the interview on his blog. It's a half hour discussion about writing and my new book, A Year of Writing Dangerously.
A few spaces are still available for the Writer's Retreat in Lake Arrowhead, October 26 - 28. Write to me if you'd like more information. ([email protected])
Hi Barbara,
I had a lot of fun interviewing you and I really enjoy your book.
Thanks again,
Chase March
Posted by: Chase March | July 18, 2012 at 02:57 PM
Thank YOU, Chase.
Posted by: Barbara | July 19, 2012 at 09:14 AM
My favorite prompt like this was a drawled snippet of conversation I overheard while sitting in a toilet stall in O'Hare Int'l:
"I don't know why Bobby is makin' such a fuss about Mama flyin' naked!"
Turns out Mama was flying in a pine box ...
I still crack up every time I remember. I've slipped that line into several blog posts and essays.
Posted by: Sharon Lippincott | July 19, 2012 at 09:36 AM
Hi Barbara. Loved the interview and love reading the book. I just keep nodding my head as I turn the pages. I agree -- I agree -- I agree. Hugs, Loren
Posted by: Loren Stephens | July 19, 2012 at 12:24 PM