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Laura B

As you always say, Barbara, "take notes." Love always, Laura

Pamela lear

I've been to many of the national parks because my husband loves that kind of thing also; however, like you, nature and being in the boonies is not really my thing ... but I must say Glacier is my favorite park; it is so serene and beautiful. Glad you enjoyed it!


Laura - Yes! Notes always.
Pamela - Serene and beautiful it is.


That sounds like a delicious trip. I'd love to do something like that.


That sounds absolutely lovely! I so enjoy the wilderness -- have fun and savor it!

sac à main prada

Woah! Jag njuter verkligen av mallen / tema på denna webbplats. Det är enkelt, men effektivt. Många gånger är det svårt att få den "perfekt balans" mellan superb användarvänlighet och utseende. Jag måste säga att du har gjort ett fantastiskt jobb med detta. Dessutom laddar bloggen extremt snabb för mig på Internet Explorer. Exceptionell Blog!


JoniB and Cynthia - It was lovely and delicious - once I calmed down.
sac a main prada - please stop spamming. No reader of this blog is going to buy your prada handbag.

Don Messerschmidt

Barbara, I always enjoy your blogs.
'Off the grid' strikes a cord~! I go off the grid annually, leading treks in the Himalayas (where I am also a freelance writer and contributing editor for 'ECS Nepal' magazine; ecs.com.np). For those off-the-grid days and weeks on the trail, I carry a lightweight NEO WRITER (described at neo-direct.com) to keep my notes for future writings... Then, when I am back on the grid, I simply download them to my laptop for editing, etc.
The NEO Writer is battery powered, and lasts months and months. Connection to computer is by a USB wire. Very versatile. Nothing could be simpler and more convenient (and it beats scratching notes out longhand after a tiring day on the trail)...
See my blog 'Himalayan Snows' at http://dmesserschmidt.blogspot.com. Scroll down for my latest trip (Bhutan). I have new trips coming up for 2013, also. Writers are welcome!
..Don M.

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