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Your title, A Year of Writing Dangerously, is perfect! I remember thinking once that only the Russians see poets as dangerous. But we could all transform the world.


Patty - Yes! Poets are dangerous in the best possible way.


Karen, thanks for your kind words I'll delneitify come to you for help promoting my first book on writing! Good point about many businesses needing to tackle controversial or hot button' issues. The points about context, bigger picture and intention would all apply there as you need to have a clear view of what you're trying to achieve, and what impact different communication strategies would have on your overall brand. Debbie, I was thinking about you after I'd written this that there are times we feel we need to tackle some potentially controversial issues because of what we've learned from personal experience. I think you handle it very well. Like you I find it depressing that others feel the need to write cruel or hurtful comments. I just can't see where they're coming from at all. If you are going to say something, own it! is sound advice indeed.Joanna


Wow, that's all you made? Now I know that not everyone is wililng to talk about how much they make as a writer (and they definitely don't have to), but I wonder if it would be more effective to break it down - a writer's salary vs. the average employee - than just saying that writers don't make a lot of money. I think too many people not in the industry think they know what the terms "advance" and "royalty" mean, but then don't see what those terms actually mean in terms of cold hard cash for the average writer who's not J.K. Rowling or Stephen King.Also, as a side, side note, I feel so honored that I've gotten to read so much of your work for free - the online Movies in 15 Minutes, SLoD, Varney the Vampire - that I wish I could give you ALL THE MONEY, because your writing has definitely gotten me through some tough times. Thank you. (The next time that my bank account is not glaringly in the red, I'm definitely contributing to the tip jar.)Edited at 2011-04-06 11:38 pm (UTC)

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