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« Dangerous Writing | Main | Sacred Space »


Beverly Higginson

Barbara, if this is the opening of your book, it is stunning. I was so moved while reading it, my breath caught in my throat. Really. You paint a beautiful picture. Yours is writing to be read for inspiration. Thank you for sharing. Bev Higginson


Beverly - It is the opening and a thousand thank you's for your comment. It's made my day.


Beautiful post -- thank you for the inspiration!

Laura Hoopes

Barbara, your honesty is so inspiring. Don't ask me why, but knowing even you feel the winds of terror when you sit down to write is a help to me. I can't wait to get my hands on this book!
Laura Hoopes

Kathleen Guthrie

Love it! Can't wait to read the whole book.

Jeff Perlis


Again your message landed with a great power and noise in my head. I have been on that scary road many times and trust that my writing is worth the fear of the journey. Let's visit when you next reach the top of our mountain.

Lisa M.

Oooh! I love the title, love the idea, and this excerpt makes me want to run away and write until my fingers drop off.

I am doing a publication dance for your proposal so we can all read the rest of the book soon. :-)


Wow, it's comforting to know that even the masters go through the same momentary insecurities. Thanks for being so inspirational.

Barbara Force

You are so inspiring. I love the visuals and the angst that you so wonderfully convey. I can hardly wait to read the whole book!

Nancy Minchella

Great opening, Barbara. Friendly, honest and inspiring. Love the specific details about the cabin, which invite the reader in.
"the silence bouncing off the walls" - great line - emphasizes the dread you feel, knowing there are no distractions and you have to face an empty page all by yourself. We are with you and rooting for you and therefore, rooting for ourselves.
I know this book will be invaluable to writers, not only of memoir but any writing. I can hardly wait and I wish you the best of luck. It's going to be on my shelf for sure. Nancy

Loren Stephens

Beutiful and truthful in every way. I am going to print it out and post it on the door of my writing sanctuary. Looking forward to going on yet another writing journey with you. You are a true compass. Luv, L


Barabara, this opening has left me hungry for more!

Denise Emanuel Clemen

I'd read this book. Oh, the terror.

Sharon Bray

I love this, Barbara. More, more...



During this week of wondering if this book proposal will sell, your comments have encouraged me more than I can say. Thank you, each and every one of you. I'll be posting more of the book in the weeks to come.


I'll buy the book!

I'm cheap and usually pick up books at the library--but this book looks like it will be a KEEPER. Can't wait...


I'll make my opinions known on the "Blood" sereis...once we actulay, y'know, SEE it here in Toronto.BTW; Finaly saw the 'Hypaspace' interview. You did fine...At least you weren't a blithering idiot like half the people they interview on "E!"Jessica Simpson *shudder*No...I'll take your interview over any of "theirs" any day ;)


世界真奇妙! Thanks for the links you added on your blog; those were great blogs related to Taiwan's hsrotiy or architecture. Also, congratualtions that you finally have time to update your blogs! Take care as well!

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