The date you start writing about your life should be memorable, like a wedding date or a birthday.
Or like becoming a non-smoker. The last time I gave up cigarettes I set the date. None of this drama of suddenly squashing out a cigarette and exclaiming “That’s the last cigarette I’ll ever smoke!” (though I certainly did a lot of that too.) When I gave up cigarettes for good, 25 years ago, I set the date and made plans: a weekend women’s retreat, yoga classes and new running shoes. In some odd convoluted way I think this is analogous to writing. Sure you can suddenly fly to your computer exclaiming today you start your book or the essay! But preparing for the day, suddenly yearning for the day, making it important, building up energy for it – clearing your space, desk, table, or wherever you’re going to write, setting up objects or photographs you love and making it inviting might be a good way to begin. You’re courting the muse after all.
Take time to get ready. Find memoirs or essays by writers you love. Writers who make you want to write. They’re our true teachers. Get a copy of Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird if you don’t have it already, or Twyla Tharp’s The Creative Habit, Abigail Thomas’s Thinking About Memoir or Ralph Keyes The Courage to Write. These are books that offer you courage to start and to keep going. They’re also great reads.
Figure out what time you’ll write. On your calendar put a slash through that time slot so you won’t inadvertently plan something else.
In the end, wherever and whenever you work, make your work time and your writing space sacred.
“I tell my students one of the most important things they need to know is when they are at their best, creatively. They need to ask themselves, What does the ideal room look like? Is there music? Is there silence? Is there chaos outside or is there serenity outside? What do I need in order to release my imagination?” – Toni Morrison (Paris Review interview 1993)
I'll never forget the day I decided to write...and the day, a couple months later, when I actually did start. Met a wonderful woman tonight. Breast cancer survivor who wants to write about her life. I told her I had a great book I would send her...yours!
Posted by: Jenny R | October 07, 2010 at 07:45 PM
I'd add that one should read YOUR book, too, Barbara!
Posted by: Elizabeth | October 07, 2010 at 11:13 PM
Jenny - Again, thanks.
Elizabeth - and thank you too!
Posted by: Barbara | October 08, 2010 at 08:48 AM
Good advice. I heard Isabel Allende say she always starts her books on the same date in January.
Posted by: dearrosie | October 08, 2010 at 01:33 PM
Writing have been my habit and passion since I was a child. So I don't exactly remember the date when I started writing.
Yes I started blogging in 2007.
Essay Help
Posted by: Sarah Kevin | October 11, 2010 at 06:12 AM
I'm buying this book. Can't wait...
Posted by: E.Dot | October 11, 2010 at 03:57 PM
Dearrosie - see today's post. Thanks everybody for your comments.
Posted by: Barbara | October 13, 2010 at 01:33 PM
I love people siotres. Looking forward to reading Floor Samples. Since I started the JC Live course, I have been thinking about my story. My image is a three ring blue binder with white tabs these tabs will have people and events. I have made a Lifebook, a photo book of my life but it is not enough. Photos are great but I need words to get to the core me. So today, I will get my blue binder and white tabs together and start thinking about my story. JCLive is adding to the quality of my life this is the first time I have blogged. A lot of firsts: Artist's Date to the local art museum and another to the local music store. I have been playing the piano for 10 days me playing the piano. Amazing! Thanks.
Posted by: Maimunah | June 22, 2012 at 03:41 AM
Dear Henry:Thank you for attending the call and for your kind words. Most imatnoprt, thank you for sharing many additional iPad mind mapping and writing resources. I look forward to exploring them.Best wishes on your continued success.Roger
Posted by: eny | June 22, 2012 at 08:35 AM
Karen you write such a good blog! How much time do you put into it? It always looks so well feihsind and always has an interesting angle. I checked out that site and it does look interesting. After reading some tips from one of the published authors about writing a little bit every day, I felt inspired enough to go back to one of my (unfinished) draft stories and add just a little bit more
Posted by: Andhikaapri | June 25, 2012 at 09:32 AM
Good to hear you are making a succses of outsourcing Ian. We are currently looking for an apartment in Chiang Mai & will be in touch soon, and ill be able to get a more in depth idea of how things are going for you. Until then!
Posted by: Jean | July 28, 2012 at 02:17 PM
Thanks to everyone for your meegssas.It's great to hear that you are enjoying the site and finding it useful.Looking forward, the second year will be significantly more eventful than the first, with lots of opportunities and fiction projects being published.Of course, the interviews and articles on the craft of fiction will also keep coming so you can read what authors and other people with first hand involvement in producing fiction and getting it to readers have to say about what they do.Now, go ahead and win yourself a birthday present of a signed book by 2pm.
Posted by: Natalya | July 28, 2012 at 04:23 PM